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Welcome Richard

New Team member for Doing Business in Africa

We welcome our new colleague Dr. Richard Adu-Gyamfi to the „Doing Business in Africa“ research group. His research focus will be on understanding export activities of Ghanaian enterprises to West Africa, Europe and the United States. This topic will be investigated in cooperation with Aoife Hanley from Kiel Institute of the World Economy. He will also research the topic of sales and marketing approaches of African enterprises in order to understand effective measures and conditions in the African market across countries.  
Richard completed his Bachelor Degree in Publishing Studies at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He further pursued an MBA in Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Development and Doctor of Philosophy (Development Economics) from Leipzig University, Germany. He has published various papers related to topics such as entrepreneurship and innovation, export processing zones and linkages and spillover effects of foreign direct investment. Richard is pioneer editor of the African Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He holds regular guest lectures in Universities in Ghana and Germany.
Previously, he worked as an SME and trade consultant at the International Trade Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. He is a non-resident senior advisor of the AfroChampions Initiative, a public private platform that champions African economic development through multistakeholder involvement.